Morocco I 2016 l Arabic dialogue with English subtitles l 92 min
A crucial period in the political history of the world, the fall of the regime of Saddam Hussein in IRAQ. The meeting of a power-hungry general and a free artist seeking to express themselves. Thirteen years of common life, marked by loneliness, anxiety and suffocation. Everything blends, the glory of the past and the fall of the idols of yesterday, to create a domestic war and events that will change their lives.
Director: Mohammed Ahed Besouda
Writer: Aziz Elhakem,
Mohammed Ahed Bensouda
Cast: Azelarab Kaghat, Noufissa Morgane Benchehida
DOP: Adil Ayoub
Producer: Mohammed Kaghat

Mohammed Ahed Bensouda is a producer and director born i Tetouan, Morocco. He has a diploma of specialised studies in
cinema, television and new media from Sorbonne in Paris. He is a Member of the International Chamber of Research Television and Cinema and has produced and directed a number of well-received films between the years of 1993-2016.