Jordan I 2022 I Arabic dialogue with English subtitles l 95 min

The Film Salma’s Home set in Jordan, revolves around three women with distinct personalities. SALMA (Juliet Awad) is a talented baker living alone in a large old house overlooking downtown Amman running an un profitable home-based bakery, her daughter FARAH (Sameera Asir) is a young working mother with marital problems. Their lives are disrupted by the death of Salma’s ex-husband. The funeral takes place at his current
wife’s house, LAMIA (Rania Kurdi), an aspiring socialite who is obsessed with building her brand online. After the funeral, shocking facts come to light leading to territorial clashes and finally forcing the three women to accept some harsh realities and take control of their lives.
Nordic premiere
Screening: October 02nd 18:30 Röda Kvarn 2
Buy your ticket here >>
Director: Hanadi Elyan
Writer: Hanadi Elyan
Cast: Juliet Awad, Rania Kurdi, Sameera Asir, Firad Taybeh
DOP: Marcus Patterson
Producer: Nathan Bennett

Palestinian-Jordanian filmmaker. Hanadi’s films competed in film festivals around the world. She earned her MFA in Film Production / Directing from UCLA. Based in Boston, Massachusetis, Hanadi currently serves as Assistant Professor of Narrative Film Directing at Emerson College.