
For MAFF, the safety of our visitors and employees is of the utmost importance and we work continuously to ensure that MAFF remains a safe place.

Stay home if you are sick
Take care of yourself and stay at home if you feel any symptoms of illness for the benefit of all. We in the staff and volunteers do the same, of course.

Limited number of tickets for sale
We have limited the number of available seats in all salons (hall 1:8 out of 195 seats, hall 2:8 out of 104 seats, hall 3:8 out of 78 seats) and introduced unnumbered seats, so you can sit where you want with the desired distance to other visitors.
Ticket purchases online and no cash
We encourage everyone who can to buy tickets online via instead of at the box office. Please note that we do not currently accept cash.
Keep distance
Show consideration for your fellow visitors by keeping your distance from each other and following the indicated markings when queuing. We are currently not tearing up tickets.
Alternative output after display
To avoid large crowds in the foyers, visitors to a tour may be asked to use an alternative exit. Further information will be provided should this become relevant.
Extended cleaning
We have strengthened our cleaning routines and wipe all contact surfaces at regular intervals. Feel free to use the disinfectant available at checkout. You can also wash your hands in our toilets.

Everyone gets a safer cinema screening if we help. Warm welcome!